One Stop solution provider which includes sales and supply of HF/UHF/VHF Two Way Radios, MOTOTRBO Digital Radios, Mobile Radios, Base Stations, Trunked Radios, Repeater Systems, Radio Communication Solutions such as Data Telemetry, GPS Location, Voice Logging. Prompt and efficient after sales service are also guaranteed due to our qualified sales and technical workforce.
We also offer on-site maintenance service and contracts customized to suit any customers’ requirements.
Why buy and maintain radios at your own costs if it is better to rent/lease/loan no matter the period required? We offer various customized rental plans which also include Easy Entry Plan (EEP), hire purchase, leasing, daily rental, zero maintenance plan to satisfy customers’ requirements.
For customers with extensive requirements, we are able to propose and design a radio communication system which can includes Central Master Control Systems (CMCS), Data solution systems, blind spots coverage, duplex and simplex repeater systems, private trunked systems, emergency communication and channel management to ensure customers’ best interest.